Radio Programming Guide Navigation
Radio Programming Guide – Welcome
Radio Programming Guide – Part 1: Things You’ll Need
Radio Programming Guide – Part 2: Reading The Radio
Radio Programming Guide – Part 3: Programming The Basics – Motorola
Radio Programming Guide – Part 4: Programming The Basics – Sepura
Radio Programming Guide – Part 5: SDS To Change Talkgroups

If you’re using Sepura gear, read on.

Radio Manager 2 works differently to Motorola Tetra CPS. Firstly, the software doesn’t have a “read radio” function, and only allows you to write a configuration that you’ve built in the software to the radio.

Secondly, the software comes in two parts: Radio Manager 2, and Radio Manager client.

Radio manager 2 is used to program the radio, whereas Radio Manager client is used to write the programming batch to the radio. Both programs can run on the same PC without any issues.

Programming the basics

Program the below in the software, then write to your radio by creating a programming batch:

Talkgroup > Template Name > Talkgroups > Takgroups / Folders > Talkgroups > DMOAlias: DMO 439.000

Number: 1

MCC: 901

MNC: 16383

GSSI: 00000001

Frequency: 439.00000
(add a new DMO talkgroup)
Talkgroup > Template Name > Talkgroups > Takgroups / Folders > FoldersDMO 439(Create a new Folder, then copy the channel from the Talkgroups > DMO section into your Folders > DMO folder
Network > Template Name > System > Per System Parameters > Direct Mode MNI Tab > Direct Mode Mobile Network Identity (MNI)MCC: 901
MNC: 16383

Ready for use!

Once programmed, your radio should now be ready to transmit on the network. Power the radio on, and transmit!

Keep an eye on the dashboard at to see if you successfully transmit into the network.

Radio Programming Guide – Part 5: SDS To Change Talkgroup